"Real regeneration happens at a much deeper level. It turns out, real beauty truly comes from within."

Beautiful Skin From Within- Why Take Collagen

Everyone wants to have beautiful, young-looking skin. But the skin’s elasticity starts to decline from the age of 25 onwards. More and more wrinkles become visible with age and cellulite becomes rampant. Many cosmetic companies launch topical products for smooth skin but their results are very limited because the ingredients only reach the upper skin layers. Real regeneration happens at a much deeper level. It turns out, real beauty truly comes from within. 

So what can you do if you want to have beautiful skin, hair, and nails (even if you are 40 or older)?

A healthy lifestyle plays a major role. What do we mean by that? it all starts with a balanced diet rich in vegetables and vitamins, drinking plenty of water, getting enough exercise, and protecting your skin from the sun with the right sunscreen. Researchers found in several studies that you can also strengthen your skin from within. They investigated the effect of ingesting collagen peptides in combination with vitamins on the skin.


What is Collagen?

Collagen supplements are usually of animal origin. They are known to most people as an ingredient in jelly or bone stock. Accounting for more than 30 percent of the protein in the human body, collagen serves as the structural support of connective tissues.  It acts like a flexible framework and gives skin, cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments their elasticity and tear resistance. 

What is Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Collagen is made of fibrous protein strand which can be broken down by enzymes into a mixture of water-soluble molecules called collagen hydrolysates (or hydrolyzed collagen). 

What are Collagen Peptides?

Collagen hydrolysate contains subunits called collagen peptides. Peptides are composed of amino acids but are smaller than proteins. In other words, chains of up to 100 amino acids are called peptides, longer chains are proteins. 

What is the Best Collagen Supplement?

Collagen peptides are more absorbable than other forms of collagen. This makes them a great supplement for skin and hair products.

What is Type 1 collagen? 

There are 28 different types of collagen in the human body- all of which perform different functions depending on their composition. The most common type is collagen type I, which is mainly found in skin, muscles, tendons and bones. Collagen type I is what you need if you’re trying to rejuvenate your skin. 

Collagen Fibers are Found in Your Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It protects us from dehydration and external influences.  But what is skin actually made of? It consists of three layers: the epidermis (outermost layer), the dermis (middle layer), and the subcutis (inner layer).

In Which Skin Layer is Collagen Found?

The epidermis consists mainly of a callus layer. The dermis is made of tight connective tissue and contains sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles, vessels, nerves and muscle cells. The subcutaneous tissue contains mainly fat cells and collagen fibers, which is why topical collagen products alone can’t get the job done.

What Does Collagen do for Skin?

The skin owes its firmness and elasticity to the connective tissue located in its lower layers. Among the most important building blocks of the connective tissue are collagen and elastin, which diminish with age. The circulation in the skin is also reduced as we grow older. The result: the skin is no longer supplied with nutrients and oxygen. It becomes thinner, duller and loses its freshness. Aging causes the number and size of fat cells to decrease, which leads to wrinkles and thinner skin. Collagen is used in many anti-aging creams to counteract this, but collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin and reach its lower layers.   

Skin Collagen
Collagen side effect

How to Use Collagen for Younger Skin.

Work from within if you want to tone and beautify your skin. A suitable way to restore inner skin structure is to ingest collagen peptides. They stimulate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and fibrillin. Fibrillin is an essential protein for the formation of elastic fibers and can also be found in connective tissue.

How Long Does it Take for Collagen Supplements to Work?

Anti-aging experts from London and Rome tested the effects of daily collagen intake on skin texture and elasticity. Their experiment involved ingesting a mixture of collagen peptides, vitamins, antioxidants and other active ingredients. 

A group of 120 individuals consumed either the collagen product or a placebo daily for 90 days. The result: The test persons in the collagen group showed a significant increase in skin elasticity compared to the placebo group. The analysis of the skin in this group also showed positive changes in skin structure. These test results were confirmed by the volunteers. They perceived their skin as more elastic fresh. This research shows that taking collagen peptides could be an effective solution to reduce wrinkles.

A second group investigated the effect of collagen peptide supplements in older mice at the University of Beijing, China. The mice were administered collagen hydrolysate daily for eight weeks at a dosage of 200 to 800 milligrams per kg of body weight.

They found that the intake of collagen peptides significantly reduced skin sagging, provided more elasticity, and increased its collagen content. An higher activity of antioxidative enzymes in the skin was also observed.

How to Take Collagen Peptides?

The easiest way to take them is through a dietary supplement – be it in powder or liquid form, as capsules or tablets. This dietary supplement is good for more than just your skin: your hair and nails will also benefit from it. On top of that, the side effects of taking collagen are very rare and mild (diarrhea being the worst case scenario). 

How Much Collagen Should I Take?

Researchers in previous studies found that a daily dose of 2.5 to 10 grams per day leads to noticeable improvements in collagen density, skin elasticity and moisture. Take them first thing in the morning as part of your breakfast and your skin will thank you for it. 

Experience Collagen